Perfectionism is a mask we wear, to hide the parts of us we
are ashamed of showing to the outside world, and sometimes, even to ourselves. Perfectionism is a veneer that we have everything figured out and there is absolutely nothing wrong. This affects children and adults alike. If not managed properly, it can lead to burnout.

Hi! I’m Dr. Eva Benmeleh

My purpose is to help you get out of your head and live your life with more flow and confidence. You may not know right now what that looks like, but you can feel it in your bones that something isn’t right and that there must be another way.

Learn to let go of perfectionism’s unrealistic standards and still lead a life you enjoy and one you can be proud of. When you recognize yourself the amazing person that you are, you begin to change your world as you know it. The fears you once felt so real now seem figments of your imagination and you embody confidence, gratitude, and love, instead of faking it when you were trying to look perfect. The beauty of therapy is that not only do we talk (and laugh) about the nitty gritty anxieties that tear us apart inside, but we find strategic and individualized solutions – without judgment or shame.




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