Therapy For Adults

Dr. Eva also focuses on Parent’s Mental Health: Specifically focusing on mothers who feel depressed, anxious, exhausted, and wrought with self-doubt and insecurities about being a parent including postpartum depression, anxiety, and rage.

How can therapy improve my life?

  • Create clear and realistic expectations for yourself and others
  • Erase disappointments and setbacks
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Hold yourself and others accountable
  • Cope with feelings of not being good enough
  • Stop overthinking
  • Start acting on what you want your life to look like
  • Trust your intuition instead of wasting time and energy asking others for their opinion
  • Self-care without the guilt
  • Catch the teeter-tottering between anxiety and depression – of doing too much while feeling like nothing gets done
  • Get the support you need without feeling weak or unwarranted to receive help
  • Improve communication and relationships with your loved ones who often feel criticized or judged by you and vice versa

Dr. Eva provides therapy sessions in English and Spanish via telehealth to children and adults.